A demonstration video of things so far:

Might make a better video next month/or month after, or …

This project was started about 10 months ago, but was mostly sidelined. It won’t progress in a fast pace, but the intent is to give this a commit a day.

What do we have so far

  • Project in GODOT
  • Raw basics for the scene
  • Background planet/star with their own shaders and lens flare effect
  • Some poorly crafted Blender models
  • Basic logic for player health/shields
  • Basic input and flight controls for the player
  • Basic aiming and HUD
  • Basic systems for different entities
  • System to select on-screen entities when right clicking on or near them
  • A shield effect and no shield functionality yet
  • Partial weapons systems but no functionality yet

Next steps

  • Improve collision
  • UI Improvements
  • Add basic weapons and projectiles
  • Basic physics/controls for NPCs (no “AI” for now)
  • Warp in effect